Significant Pointers You Must Know About Embroidery Digitizing

Significant Pointers You Must Know About Embroidery Digitizing

Do you want to understand embroidery digitizing because of its increased demand in the industry? First of all, it is important to understand its history and why and when it was started. In the past, the fabric was decorated with the help of needles and thread only which was known as embroidery. After so many decades, it is still called embroidery and mostly it is made on hats and clothes.
Today, we are living in the era of technology so now instead of hands; machines are used for making the patterns and designs on the fabric. You can easily find multi-needle machines in the market that will make you able to stitch a pattern on multiple clothes at once. Due to this facility, the productivity of the companies has increased and they are able to finish the projects within a few days or hours. Manual embroidery is very hard and takes a lot of time but with the help of machines, you can complete a task of one week in just one or two days. For this purpose, you can hire the services of freelance artists.
In simple words, embroidery digitizing is a conversion procedure of artwork into a digital file by using software that allows the embroidery machines to understand the path of the needle and follow it. Most of the machines today have their built-in software that allows the embroiderers to convert the artwork right before starting the project. It becomes easy to control the functions and read the instructions from a file that has been digitized. If you have no idea how to do machine embroidery digitizing, then it is better to allow your project to best embroidery digitizer. If you want to do digitizing of logos, sportswear, and others, then digitizing will be different. It is necessary to convert your artwork into a digitized design to be able to use it. You need to understand that the embroidery machine won't be able to function without a digitized file.

Prepare the file for digitizing

It is an art to convert graphics and vector files into a format that an embroidery machine can understand. For this purpose, special software such as wilcom digitizing or pulse can be used by the new embroidery freelance. The freelancer will give a special command to guide the machine on how to make a pattern on the fabric and it can be time-consuming. The procedure works stitch by stitch and depending on the complexity of the artwork, the time period can increase or decrease. You have to follow a complete route for converting the stitches. After taking all the points, you can save the file in your desired format and upload it into your machine to use it at the time of need.
This process can seem simple but when you will sit to do it, you will realize how complicated it is. The person has to be very creative and know-how to complete the process successfully; otherwise, all your hard work will be wasted. You cannot leave it without completion and toknow if the artwork is completely converted or not, you can see it on the screen of the machine. All the wilcom embroidery digitization freelances understand this process and they can reduce the conversion time if you will hire their services.
To become digitizing artists, it is not necessary to have artistic sense because if you are able to understand design better, then you can become a professional digitizer. The client will give you the artwork and you just have to control the machine during the conversion process. There are certain rules you have to follow and finish them successfully. If you are thinking about becoming a digitizer, then you can easily pursue this career.
In the starting, the whole procedure can seem to be very confusing. You can find the machine and software very scary and many new digitizers loss their will power. For your understanding, this process is a skill and by doing practice, you can learn it better. Sadly, these days, digitizing schools are not available where you can learn this skill so it is better to become a student of an experienced digitizer. Many people want to know how long it takes to learn embroidery digitising; it depends on the machine and software you want to use. For becoming a good embroidery digitizer, a lot of practice is required but for becoming aware of the rules, it will take one week only. The learning process can be very boring and many people run away before its completion, so you have to stay consistent.

How to locate the file

The files are provided by the clients so you will have to make the designs by yourself rarely. The companies can give you graphic designs in different formats that are different from the vector art file. The converted file can be used for commercials embroidery machines and if you will not use proper software, you won't be able to open the file. If you will properly digitize the file, then it will be in PDF format that will show the machine operator the thread colors and sequences.

Follow these instructions

In the converted file, the instructions are defined in detail that is as follows:


It is the initial stitching in the design process and special stitches hold the fabric to the back and lay down the fabric and allow the portion of the design to sit on the top.


It is the responsibility of the digitizer to determine the best path and then follow it. It will tell the machine to make the design on the cloth and then make the border at the end.

Pull compensation

It tells how embroidery works for different types of fabrics because some types don't stretch and some are very stretchable.

Stitch types

In the end, you have to define which type of stitching will be used in the design such as run, satin, or fill. Mostly, satin stitch is used because it gives text details and thick border.